Vintage Tattoo Stickers
* Made in U.S.A.
* Printed 19851985
* Multiple Sets For Sale – Follow Instagram account
*17 Classic Tattoo Stickers.
Tattoos Are Cool! Guess where I got tattooed? Tattoos are forever, Life Is Not… Get one before you rot!
No Pain, No Gain

Shit Happens! The only difference between Tattooed People & Non Tattooed
People is that Tattooed People are alot more Cool and can Kick your Ass!
Tattooed people come in all colors, Tattoos get you Sex too!
Tattooed people do it better and I love my tattooed man.
They found something that does the work of 5 men! 1 Tattooed Woman!!!
The one who dies with the most Tattoos Wins!!!
Tattooed Mom! Life without a tattoo is boring… I Love Tattoos
Life without a tattoo is pretty boring, Get Tattooed
Tattoos last a life time…
* 3” x 1” / 78mm x 27mm
Very Good condition for the age…
*See photos for reference.
*Yes, they still stick 👍
🛑For Sale🛑 Sets #1 #2 #3 #4
€50.- worldwide shipping included
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#ilovemytattoo #tattoosgetyousex #ilovemytattooedman #ilovemytattooedwoman #shithappens #tattooedpeople #tattooedpeoplwcomeinallcolors #theonewhodieswiththemosttattooswins #itscooltohaveatattoo #mytattooisgreat #guesswhereigottattooed #vintagetattoo #tattoomemorabilia #vintagestickers #coolstickers